Create a LEGO photo using one or more of our phone photography tips for a chance to win an Apexel 100mm macro phone lens kit!

I recently reviewed the Apexel 100mm macro phone lens kit and was surprised at how well it was able to capture minifig portraits with real bokeh. I thought the adapter design was great too, allowing easy installation and delivering a firm grip on a phone.
Apexel was kind enough to include a second copy to offer as the prize for this contest.
To enter, all you have to do is try out one or more tips shared by me, tongwars, or edgy_mando and post your phone photos of LEGO subjects on Reddit, Instagram, or Discord by June 2, 2024 at 22:00 CET.
As the special judges in this contest, tongwars and edgy_mando will be looking out for how well you use any of the tips in your entries.
How to enter
Submit up to 3 new or old photos using at least one phone photography tip on Reddit, Discord, or Instagram*. Third-party accessories are allowed.
Reddit: Post your photos to r/studshooters with [Phone Tips Contest] added after your title (ex. The March of the Ents – [Phone Tips Contest]). Make sure to have a title to help distinguish it. Add a description or comment about what tips you used.
(Qualified entries will be flaired with Phone Tips Contest Entry.)
Discord: Post your photos to the #phone-tips-contest channel on the Stud Shooters server. Add a description or comment about what tips you used.
Instagram: Mention @fourbrickstall, @tongwars, @edgy_mando and @weshootstuds along with what phone photography tips you used in your caption. Photos, old or new, must be posted between May 4 and June 2, 2024 22:00 CET.
For guaranteed visibility, I recommend you post your entries on at least 2 platforms. Any missed entries due to algorithms, shadowbanning, or other platform issues are not my responsibility.
Closing date: June 2, 2024 at 22:00 CET.
One Apexel 100mm macro phone lens kit with CPL filter and adapter. Phone not included. Shipping is free to the winner but any customs and duties are their responsibility.
Winner announcement
The winner will be notified via DM on the platform entered on (Instagram, Discord, or Reddit) and will have 48 hours to respond.
Instagram, Discord, and Reddit are not sponsors of or affiliated with this contest.